Experiencing muscle soreness after an intense workout is common. While it can be a sign of effective training, excessive soreness can hinder your progress and limit your ability to train,
Wheels 4 Life
September 20, 2014 7:09 am / Category: Uncategorized
This summer we were everywhere. Tuesday and Thursday nights from May to August were filled with bikes, running shoes, swim caps and goggles. And through it all, we had the opportunity to make connections with incredible athletes and ambassadors of living an active and healthy lifestyle.
On Tuesdays, we were readily found at the Over The Hump Mountain Bike series. A great group of people from all ages and all levels gathered together at Irvine Lake and do what mountain bikers do best, got dirty.
One particular evening at OTH as we set up our showcase, we were placed right next to a tent that had “Wheels 4 Life” plastered all over it. Then came their goods, baked goods, liquid goods, and hand made good. It was a one stand bizarre filled with smiles, tantalizing smells and accents from around the world.
Being the curious person that I am, I wandered over to have a gander. Unbeknownst to myself, Wheels 4 Life, is a non-profit that provides bikes for people in developing countries in order to help them get to and from work and or school. That was enough for my to give them my support and buy a cupcake… it was for a good cause.
Wheels 4 Life was founded by Hans Rey. If you are like me, the next question you are asking is “ Who is Hans Rey?” Allow me to enlighten you.
Hans Rey is a multi-world champion mountain biker. He started his career riding in the 70’s and has pioneered the way extreme mountain biking is viewed in modern day. His travels took him around the world and opened his eyes to how a simple bike could hugely impact and improve the lives of others. And so was the beginning of Wheels 4 Life.
Learn how you can do more here.