Rausch Physical Therapy & Sports Performance | Employee Spotlight – Dr. Max Biessmann

Employee Spotlight – Dr. Max Biessmann

November 26, 2020 2:06 pm / Category: Staff Spotlight

Meet our “Endurance PT”, Dr. Max Biessmann. 

Max has a background as a professional triathlete, collegiate swimmer, and swim/tri coach. He has completed 10 IRONMAN races, including the IRONMAN World Championships in Kona twice, and also has a decade of swim and triathlon coaching experience under his belt. His background allows him to combine PT and rehab with training, in order to help his patients remain active and avoid having to stop all of their favorite activities. He is able to do this by adapting training loads and styles. Max’s main area of expertise is overuse injuries from highly repetitive types of activities. 

When not at the clinic, you can find Max at the local bike trail training for his next race — be it a 5K, an open water swim, or an IRONMAN. He enjoys competing in a variety of events, from road races to ultra trail runs to open water swims. 

Your favorite place in the world?

Anywhere outdoors


Before working at Rausch, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?

I worked as an intern in a virus lab studying pig herpes, stem cells, and influenza type viruses in Tuebingen, Germany.


The reason you became a PT…

I began my undergrad studies with an interest in biology and bioresearch. Then, I began racing triathlons and coaching the collegiate team and found a love for coaching. After undergrad, I worked as a swim coach with age group swimmers and then realized I could combine the love for science with the love for coaching with physical therapy!

Dr. Max Biessmann PT, DPT

Let’s talk! We are here to help. Give us a call for a complimentary consultation. We would love to meet you.

Did you know there’s no prescription needed from a doctor to see us – but we will communicate your progress and treatment to your doctor if you’d like us too!
(949) 276-5401





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