Experiencing muscle soreness after an intense workout is common. While it can be a sign of effective training, excessive soreness can hinder your progress and limit your ability to train,
6 Fitness Trends on the Rise
September 20, 2014 7:10 am / Category: Uncategorized
We are still enjoying the last few weeks of summer and the Huffington Post has already forecasted the fitness trends for 2015. Many of you have the latest and greatest gadgets, tech toys and wearable devices the sync up with apps to track your runs, rides, steps and sleep patterns.
What are we stoked about? Many of the fitness trends that we as a leading PT clinic and self-care experts (Dynamic Massage & ABC Pilates) have been saying for years is considered the top fitness trends for 2015:
- Restorative Care
- Recovery
- Foam Roller
The new slogan to consider, Train Hard, Recover Harder! It used to be “No Pain, No Gain! Times have changed. Thankfully.
What’s really exciting? We are ahead of the curve!
Read the article in The Huffington Post and see if you are a fitness trendsetter:
2015 Forecasted Fitness Trends
View the NEW Restorative classes offered at ABC Pilates
View the Recovery massages offered at Dynamic Touch
#rauschpt #trendsetters #abcpilates #dynamictouch