Experiencing muscle soreness after an intense workout is common. While it can be a sign of effective training, excessive soreness can hinder your progress and limit your ability to train,
I like my bubble…
June 3, 2014 3:21 am / Category: Uncategorized
You’ve heard it called the “Orange Curtain” the “South County Bubble,” but I’m here to say, “I like my bubble!”. I love the local scene and our community. I’m a huge fan of local restaurants like Avila’s El Ranchito and Dublin 4, and I’m really into local racing too – like Thursday Night Crit @ Great Park. AWESOME!!
Since I can remember, I’ve been a fan of small, local businesses. After all I grew up in my parent’s restaurant. They had some sweet ones like Acacia, The Rausch’s, and Hungry Hombre. My mom tells a rad story of me, at about 3 years old, acting as the host at the Hungry Hombre. Apparently, I would sit everyone at the same table and just tell them “scoot over!”
We live in such a big place with so many things to do, busy schedules to keep, deadlines to make that it’s really nice to connect with what’s around you. So strive to connect and utilize the great things, businesses, opportunities, and events. These businesses are working their tails off to provide great experiences, great food and great fun.
So relax and enjoy the great stuff that’s right in our “bubble”. In fact, we put together a collective list of local events at the bottom of each newsletter just for you. Check ‘em out. We’ll see you there!